He is so obsessed with me is a personal story about a single woman around her forties. The ongoing project started in 2011.
In my photos I reflect my feelings and experiences bare and straight. Through mundane situations I show the pleasure and the pain, the mess and the glitter.
He is so obsessed with me plays with the real and the imagined. The photos are documentary, whereas the title character, the “He”, is imaginary.
The work is based on the flow of images, repetition and fragmented stories.
My approach to photography is expressive and experimental. I am interested in mistakes and accidents, imperfect pictures. Through the rough working process my images become representations of dreams, fantasies and feelings.
He is so obsessed with me exists in two versions: a Photobook (2013) and an Online Story (2017).
The main character and her daily actions form the frame for the book. The book begins intimately, showing an extremely private act.
The online work rambles around the questions of causality, chance and choice. The viewer has to interact with the narrative, arriving at crossroads where he/she has to choose which way to go.
The work has been supported by the Arts Promotion Centre Finland.
Additional information: marja.saleva@gmail.com